:David Burke
: Slangman. Guide to street speak english 3 / Слэнг. Гид в мир уличного английского
: Slangman
: 2003
: 42МВ
Have fun and learn «real» American conversational English! Our books contain the most common slang and idioms used every day by Americans. Look at this example:
The world is getting smaller every day: people are traveling more, making friends in other countries, and working with people who speak different languages in the workplace.
We want to remove the frustration from communication and make it fun. We have a lot to learn from each other, but we can’t even start unless we can communicate effectively.
Our products allow people to learn the real language, the language not often taught in schools. Our books and audio products make it fun and easy to learn. We want to give you the confidence to speak English anywhere!
English taught in schools: «How are you today? What are you doing?»
Real American English: «What’s up?» (College/Teen Expression)
Both of them mean the same thing, but «Real English» is the way Americans speak. With our books, you will learn American English conversation using slang and idioms naturally through dialogues, pictures, quizzes, games, etc. You’ll be talking like a native «in no time» (very quickly)!
This book contains entertaining dialogues, activities and games to help you learn American English conversation, slang and idioms used constantly in American movies, music, relationships, and in daily American life. This book will give you more confidence when you speak to Americans, and you will have fun as you learn.
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